Inexpensive Hacks for every Motorcyclist

We may make the best-laid plans but just as Murphy said it, anything that can go wrong will go wrong. It can happen when we work, when we eat, and definitely when we ride. It is during times like these that we wish we had been better prepared, yet still, nothing happens when we are prepared, does it? Not to worry, there are always inexpensive hacks that we can perform.
Here are some simple tips on how to fix the unexpected.
1. Wipe your baby
It goes without saying that we are exposed to the environment when we ride. That means getting splattered with bugs guts, dust, mud, bird droppings, and so on.
Baby wipes (wet tissues) makes it easier to wipe those off and are much gentler than trying to wipe off with a wet cloth, for example. Wet wipes are also gentle enough to use on our riding gear, whether fabric or leather. It works great on the motorcycle parts, too.
Wet wipes are easy to find in almost any location. We prefer the anti-bacterial variety because we can use them as personal wipes, too.
2. Newspaper is still useful!
Riding in wet footwear is one of the most irritating things, what more when you have to ride for hundreds of kilometers in them. If they do get wet, get some newspaper, ball them up and stuff them into your footwear. Make sure you change with new, dry ones after a few hours. You can also use kitchen towels (those large tissue paper).
Not letting your footwear get wet is the best policy, of course, by donning the GIVI SC02 Shoe Cover over them.
3. Extra cargo nets/straps
Always carry extra bungee cords and cargo/helmet net. You can always use them to tie down loose parts, or unexpected luggage such as trinkets along the way. GIVI has a variety of nets for different uses and sizes, so visit the nearest GIVI Point or dealers to get one (or several).
4. Stay!
Tired of lugging your full-face helmet around when you reach your destination?
The bag which it came in is the best form of carrier but we know, not everyone brings it along. But locking the helmet to the bike by attaching the ring on the chinstrap to the bike’s helmet hook is not exactly safe because a thief can easily cut the chinstrap.
The alternative is to obtain a GIVI TL13 or TL14 cable lock. Loop the cable around an immovable part of the bike, through the full-face helmet’s chinbar and lock it.
Note that no lock is 100% safe, so do not place your helmet on your bike for extended periods and park the bike in a bright and safe area.
5. Wear a tie
Speaking of inexpensive hacks, the zip tie/cable tie is the epitome of one. A person armed with cable ties can repair virtually anything. Dropped parts, loose parts, split parts, whatever parts. So, buy yourself a bundle and keep it under the seat or in your luggage.
6. Bag them Up
That tool compartment under the motorcycle’s seat is usually not waterproof. You may soon find your tools encrusted in dirt, dust and sand, lending them the look of an archaeological find.
Get a waterproof pouch or bag and drop the tool bag, cable ties or whatever you have into it. Even better, keep the silica gel packet that came with the pouch in there too, to absorb the moisture.
And yes, GIVI is the leader in motorcycle waterproof bags!
7. Sure footing
How many times have you found the perfect parking spot only to find that the ground beneath the stand is soggy? Even tarred road surfaces become soft on especially hot days. You would not want to return to find your bike resting on its side like a beached whale.
Crush a soft drink can and keep it under the seat or somewhere convenient. Then place it underneath the bike’s side stand when you stop. The increased footprint puts less pressure on the ground beneath the stand.
Better yet, fit a GIVI Stand Extender onto your motorcycle’s sidestand as a practical and long-term solution. It sure saves you the trouble of rummaging through a rubbish bin for a used soda can. There are several models for different motorcycles in the market.
8. Portable Heater
Got yourself a new pair of beautiful Hevik gloves but they got wet in a rainstorm? Modern motorcycle engines produce lots of heat given that a small capacity produces high torque and horsepower. You can utilize that heat to dry your gloves or socks by placing them near or atop the engine casings.
So there you are, some simple and inexpensive hacks for your next motorcycle ride. Be sure to check back with us as we have more ideas on how to make your riding lifestyle even better.